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Direct your voices toward volunteering

Recently it was reported that the Parksville bottle depot will soon stop collecting plastics.

Recently it was reported that the Parksville bottle depot will soon stop collecting plastics.

It seems that plastics are the largest pollutants currently in all news releases.

I currently volunteer my time in numerous areas in the Parksville region. Some of my volunteer work include French Creek fish hatchery, Parksville Curling Club, clearing brush and sometime snow from walking trails in and around Springwood Park. My wife and I volunteer clearing broom on our community roadway and with Broombusters.

To the younger people and students protesting for climate change and declaring a climate emergency, as was done earlier this year in the Vancouver protest with Greta Thunberg, my request is that you direct your actions and voices towards volunteering.

Instead of turning on your social media devices, protesting in rallies, attending school trips to Europe, or standing in front of the school holding signs about climate emergencies, the time could be used to pay it forward.

If this is what climate change is partly about then it’s time to put that foot forward. I have been volunteering my time, how about you showing us, not just telling us, how you would like to help?

How about starting with the Parksville Recycling Depot?

Dale Ksyniuk
