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YOUR PHOTOS: Hake fishery big on the coast

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PQB News reader Mike Yip shares this unique hake fishery shot.

PQB News reader Mike Yip shares this unique shot. "Most people are not aware that the largest fishery off the west coast is actually Pacific Hake and not salmon," he said. "In fact, the hake fishery is five to six times the size of the salmon fishery and almost all of it is exported to eastern Europe, China and South Africa where it is part of the culture. Most of the hake is caught off the west coast, but there is also a fishery in the Salish Sea and much of the catch is offloaded and shipped to processing plants from French Creek." If you have a photo you'd like to share online or in print, email a high-resolution copy to

About the Author: Parksville Qualicum Beach News Staff

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