You can’t teach a child to be kind, but you can show them kindness. That was one of the messages Tom Jackson instilled upon the audience at Society of Organized Services’ Legacy Concert, celebrating 55 years of meeting needs and enriching lives in the area.
Jackson entertained on June 28 at Berwick Parksville, the host partner for the SOS Legacy Reception and Concert.
The evening began with the private Legacy Reception on the sixth floor in the Top Side Lounge, where Berwick staff passed out hors d’oeuvres and guests sipped on beverages provided by Mount Arrowsmith Brewing and 40 Knots Winery.
Jackson and his wife Alison mingled with guests while emcee Don Dempson talked about SOS’s 55th Anniversary and the All in 4 Kids Campaign. He thanked all the sponsors, including major sponsors The Bayside Oceanfront Resort and Windsor Plywood Foundation, along with numerous SOS Biz for Good partners.
Following the reception, many guests made their way down to the Berwick Theatre for the Legacy Concert, a sold-out event.
Qualicum First Nations Chief Michael Recalma opened the event with a welcome, and jingle dancers Sienna Faulconer (Osow Kihew Iskwew) and Dyani Erickson (Asini Waci Iskwew) from Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation danced their way down the aisles and onto the stage.
READ MORE: Never a dull day for SOS’s Susanna Newton
Tom Jackson told stories and spoke of the importance of love and kindness in making our nation a better place. He played several songs on his guitar in this theme and sang along, drawing enthusiastic applauses from audience members.
Jackson was presented with an original Ken Kirkby painting at the end of his performance, a piece the renowned Canadian painter had selected for Tom before his passing the week before the event. Kirkby’s wife Nana Cook provided a copy of the eulogy to present to Jackson with the painting.
SOS debuted a new film, Inspiring the Future, sponsored by Kim Holl from Stories Told on Film. The film featured local youth and began and ended with SOS child, youth & family coordinator Keenan Bevan who attended SOS programs when he was younger.
Bevan introduced a new initiative called 100 NextGen Who Care. This movement will focus on preparing the next generation of dreamers and leaders for the problems they will need to solve in the next few decades. The aim is to help local youth and young adults to become more engaged with others in our community through volunteerism, mentoring, civic engagement, and philanthropy. More details will be released on this initiative soon on the SOS website.
SOS has also partnered with Robert Held Art Glass to create Legacy Globes. These one-of-a-kind commemorative keepsakes are a symbol of hope for the future, and all proceeds support the SOS All in 4 Kids Campaign. Legacy Globes are still available for purchase through the SOS website.
Many desirable door prizes were given out at the event thanks to business sponsors, including M&N Mattress & Sofa Shop, Qualicum Beach Inn & Qualicum Beach Café and The Bayside Oceanfront Resort.
SOS Executive Director Susanna Newton said she wishes to thank everyone who supported the Legacy events and helped make them so successful. She also wants to thank all SOS’s supporters, including the many incredible volunteers and staff who share the vision of a strong and inclusive community for all local residents.
Raymond James Qualicum Beach Branch sponsored Jackson’s performance.
For more information about SOS, to make a donation or to purchase a Legacy Globe, visit
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