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Stop signs make bad situation worse

I’m not sure who lobbied to have two new stop signs installed on Wembley Road at Ackerman, but for nearby neighbours like us it has had a negative impact.

I’m not sure who lobbied to have two new stop signs installed on Wembley Road at Ackerman, but for nearby neighbours like us it has had a negative impact.

Wembley Road has always been a busy road and we accepted that fact when we purchased our home.

With the new stop signs that noise has gotten worse, especially during the day.

Dump trucks, garbage trucks, semis and other large trucks all have squealing brakes as they come to the stop signs.

Motorcycles and others that peel off the line make incredible noise.

If the signs were put up as a traffic calming measure, I can say with certainty that is hasn’t worked. Vehicles still race along Wembley from Wright Road to Ackerman like they always have, only now they have to stop.

If the signs are necessary, maybe they should have been put in on Roberton where fewer houses would be affected.

As I said, Wembley is busy, but these stop signs have made a bad situation worse.

Rick Western
