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Time to create ‘New Qualicum Beach’

Re: ‘Boundary quandary’ ( PQB News , Sept. 24)

Re: ‘Boundary quandary’ (PQB News, Sept. 24)

A bouquet to Parksville council for attempting to address the thorny question of boundary extension. The question should be addressed with a new city that stretches from Dashwood to Craig Bay and includes Parksville, French Creek and Qualicum Beach.

Qualicum Beach is to be admired, as they have successfully resisted unfettered development. I am tired of developers and the real estate hustle. No blocked seascapes, no proposed 19-storey beachfront developments, no congested streets, no speeding impatient drivers, no water shortages, no fast food outlets, no strip malls and no endless car dealerships.

No paradise lost for Qualicum Beach. Just a quaint seaside town with a marvelous ambiance, and a 25 per cent real estate premium for lucky residents.

Yes, I think staff should address boundary extensions for the new city. I am willing to suggest the name of it, the city of New Qualicum Beach, to honour Qualicum Beach for a job well done.

Dave Dick

San Pariel