The Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN) is proposing a project to accommodate planned growth and improve the long-term fire protection and drinking water infrastructure in the Nanoose Bay Peninsula Water Service Area (NBPWSA) in Electoral Area E (Nanoose Bay).
The proposed project will include the renewal of the existing Arbutus Reservoir and the construction of one additional reservoir on Notch Hill.
Funding for the project requires borrowing on behalf of the property owners in the NBPWSA. For the project to go ahead, affected electors must approve a loan authorization bylaw through the alternative approval process (AAP).
The water service improvements are necessary, the RDN stated in a news release, to meet future water demand, security and safety requirements and are not considered to be optional.
The bylaw, if approved, would authorize the RDN to borrow $1.2 million of the estimated $2.48 million total project cost for the NBPWSA reservoir improvements. Reserve funds and development cost charge funds would make up the balance of the project funding.
The AAP for the bylaw runs from Aug. 14, to 4 p.m. on Sept. 16. Electors within the NBPWSA who oppose the proposed bylaw can submit an elector response form until the deadline of 4 p.m. on Sep.16.
Electors within the NBPWSA who support the bylaw do not need to respond. If less than 10 per cent of eligible electors submit elector response forms, this will be considered adequate support from the electors involved and the bylaw will go to the RDN Board for consideration of adoption.
There are two public information sessions remaining that members of the public can attend: Aug. 12 at Nanoose Place Community Centre, 2925 Northwest Bay Road, Nanoose Bay, 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.; and Aug. 14 at Notch Hill Trailhead, 3220 Fairwinds Drive, Nanoose Bay, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Details on how to participate in the AAP is available at and for more information and to sign up for project updates, visit