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More parking requested in downtown Parksville by business association

Council to consider idea as part of financial plan process this fall
The PDBA would like to see more parking spots in downtown Parksville.

The Parksville Downtown Business Association hopes to see more parking spots available in the downtown core.

The city's director of finance Jedha Holmes told council the PDBA has expressed its concern about the loss of parking on lots as infill development proceeds downtown.

A rough estimate of $110,000 was provided during council's Nov. 4 meeting. Holmes said the cost will depend on whether the lot is paved, the lighting and what storm drainage system is required.

The cost per parking space would be approximately $6,500 for a gravel lot and $8,500 if it is paved, she added, and the lot would be owned by the city.

If council approves the project it will be put in the financial plan for 2025, Holmes said, but will not impact the property tax rate.

Recommended funding options included the off-street parking reserve. Council could also consider a pay parking option.

Council will have an opportunity to vote on the proposal later in the financial plan process.

If the plan is advanced, staff will come back to council with a design and a location.


Kevin Forsyth

About the Author: Kevin Forsyth

As a lifelong learner, I enjoy experiencing new cultures and traveled around the world before making Vancouver Island my home.
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