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Parksville downtown business association proposes new lighting displays

Year-round lighting, improved Memorial Plaza display among ideas floated to council
Memorial Plaza in Parksville. (City of Parksville photo)

The Parksville Downtown Business Association hopes to brighten up downtown Parksville year-round with several lighting projects.

The PDBA has proposed three lighting initiatives to make the downtown core vibrant and welcoming, according to a presentation by Tami Frankford, board president.

The projects include making the lighting on Alberni Highway permanent, rather than seasonal, upgrading the lighting canopy at Memorial Plaza and the seasonal installation of a 28-foot Christmas tree, also in the plaza.

“It is our belief that these three projects will contribute greatly to the overall beautification of the downtown area,” Frankford said during Parksville council’s April 3 meeting. “Our first project is to create a strong sense of place for Alberni Highway by changing the direction of the existing lights from vertical to horizontal, as well as we intend to add twice as many strings of lights.”

Switching the Alberni Highway lights so they hang horizontally from the trees will provide a more visually appealing look, Frankford added, and the PDBA also requested the city add additional lights.

“The cost should be minimal, if any, to the city,” she said.

The PDBA would also like to replace the current light canopy in Memorial Plaza with a new and improved canopy, on the existing grid.

Frankford said the current lighting “lacks the dynamic capabilities to create an engaging lighting display that new technology can provide. By replacing the existing canopy with a programmable light and sound system in Memorial Plaza, we can transform this into a captivating space that would truly be a welcoming gathering spot for our community.”

READ MORE: Parksville Downtown Business Association applies for $100K provincial grant

The programmable lights could be changed to reflect seasons, holidays and special events, she added, and be lit year round to boost foot traffic to downtown businesses. The PDBA has committed $30,000 for purchase and installation of a new canopy and requested the city agree to replace the old canopy with a new canopy, with purchase and installation funded by the PDBA.

For the Christmas season, the PDBA has purchased a 28-foot metal fabricated Christmas tree and has been in discussions with the city’s operations department about setting in up in Memorial Plaza between mid-November and January. Frankford requested the city agree to its installation in the plaza.

“It’s going to be wonderful for our city,” said Coun. Sylvia Martin, who added she appreciates the request is coming with plenty of time before the Christmas season. “Memorial is a significant street, historically, and I think anything we can do there to bring this together is going to make a difference, so I support this 100 per cent.”

Mayor Doug O’Brien said he is pleased the PDBA is contributing to downtown vibrancy, one of council’s strategic priorities.

Further details about the PDBA lighting projects will be discussed at a financial plan committee of the whole meeting on April 8.

Kevin Forsyth

About the Author: Kevin Forsyth

As a lifelong learner, I enjoy experiencing new cultures and traveled around the world before making Vancouver Island my home.
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