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RCMP response investigated after man fires shotgun, crashes fleeing scene

Independent Investiations Office investigates Campbell River RCMP’s actions

The BC RCMP has notified the Independent Investigations Office of British Columbia (IIO BC) of an incident in Campbell River where one man suffered injuries.

On Feb. 11, at approximately 1 a.m., Campbell River RCMP responded to a report of a man shooting a shotgun in the driveway of a residence, an IIO press release says. Officers were also advised that the man may be in possession of a knife as it was reported that he had cut somebody.

The attending officers set up containment around the home and contacted the Island District Emergency Response Team to attend.

At approximately 1:50 a.m., the garage door opened and the man was reportedly seen trying to start a dirt bike.

Shortly after, the man drove out of the garage and out of sight. Officers followed and located the crashed bike and the man suffering from injuries.

The IIO BC is investigating police actions in the incident.

Campbell River RCMP will have a concurrent investigation into the actions of the man.

Note that all aspects and circumstances of this incident will be the subject of independent investigation by the IIO BC. For more information about the IIO BC and media updates, you can visit its website at

READ MORE: Police actions couldn’t have prevented Island Highway fatality, IIO says

Alistair Taylor

About the Author: Alistair Taylor

Alistair Taylor has been a writer and editor with Black Press since 1989, most of those years spent as editor of the Campbell River Mirror.
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