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Stand-by crew ready at Parksville fire hall

Fire department wants to be able to react quickly in these days of extreme fire hazard

With the recent upgrade on July 29 to extreme fire danger rating for the mid-Island region, the Parksville Volunteer Fire Department is anticipating a stand-by duty crew will staff the fire station beginning Sunday, August 2 and will be in place until the fire danger rating is downgraded.

Fire danger ratings are updated by the Provincial Wildfire Management Branch. Extreme fire danger rating is explained as extremely dry forest fuels and the fire risk is very serious. New fires will start easily, spread rapidly and challenge fire suppression efforts. General forest activities may be restricted, including open burning, industrial activities and campfires. Our region is experiencing drier than normal conditions for this time of the year causing the wildland interface areas to become extremely volatile should a fire start in the area. Recent fires in Dashwood and Coombs areas were examples of how quickly fire could spread and the importance of getting crews on scene as early as possible. To report an open fire call 250-248-3242; a fire emergency call 911; a wildfire in non-incorporated areas, call 1- 800-663-5555 or *5555 on a cell phone.

— NEWS Staff/City of Parksville news release