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Qualicum school board meeting this week included entertainment

Qualicum school board meeting this week included entertainment

Students from the Collaborative Education Alternative Program (CEAP) performed for School District 69 trustees
B.C. men charged in moose riding case [with VIDEO]

B.C. men charged in moose riding case [with VIDEO]

Two Fort Nelson men face three Wildlife Act charges after chasing moose with boat, jumping on its back
Fire in French Creek sends one to hospital

Fire in French Creek sends one to hospital

‘The message is: avoid using Tiger torches to burn your weeds and brush piles’

Canada Post program nets 7,500 pounds of food in Parksville Qualicum Beach

The post office branches in Nanoose Bay, Parksville and Qualicum Beach had asked people to leave non-perishable food in their mail boxes
Lasqueti Island's Judith Fisher Centre continues to expand services

Lasqueti Island's Judith Fisher Centre continues to expand services

The community has raised the majority of the funds for the centre (more than $550,000 so far) with $48,000 coming from the province
UPDATED: Island Health rejects doctors' plea to suspend iHealth at 'hospital in crisis'

UPDATED: Island Health rejects doctors' plea to suspend iHealth at 'hospital in crisis'

Use of electronic record-keeping system to continue in Nanaimo while health authority looks for ways to build trust, reduce fatigue
Parksville culls 484 geese

Parksville culls 484 geese

Mayor is taking heat from some residents, but he says many other methods to control goose population have been tried over the years

Coming soon to your mobile phone: Regional District of Nanaimo trail maps

Many of the region’s trails are not part of the RDN system and are unmarked but well-used
Man gets 22 months for negligence after Ucluelet grandmother killed by boat trailer

Man gets 22 months for negligence after Ucluelet grandmother killed by boat trailer

Judge rules poverty no excuse for Van Nho Nguyen's fatal trip in unsafe, overloaded vehicle
B.C. taking over regulation of real estate

B.C. taking over regulation of real estate

Premier Christy Clark says realtors have had a decade to govern themselves, and have failed to do it