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Notice of Disposition of Abandoned Property: Qualicum Mobile Home Park


To Any person having a legal interest in the property described below:

You are given the NOTICE THAT the property located at Pad #3, Qualicum Mobile Home Park, 3920 Island Highway W, Qualicum beach, BC V9K 2C2 is considered ABANDONED. The property consists of a mobile home, MH Registration No# 13482.

The landlord, Qualicum Mobile Home Park will dispose of the property unless you:

* Take possession of the property;

* Establish a right to possession of the property; or

* Make an application to the court to establish a right to possession of the property

Within 30 days from the date of this notice.

If you fail to do any of the above within the specified time period, the landlord will dispose of the property and you will lose any claim to it.

Please contact the landlord by telephone at 250.7976968, by email at as soon as possible to arrange for the retrieval or storage of your property.

Landlord: 0973922 B.C. LTD

302 Roland road, Ladysmith, BC V9G 1x8

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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