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Above the influence

Blame the individual not the industry re: marijuana

It is not the marijuana that caused the fatal accidents in the cases pointed out by Jim Enright in a recent letter to the editor, although it was quite likely a contributing factor.

The blame rests solely on the individuals who chose to drive impaired on substance legal or not. This will not go away by simply outlawing marijuana as has been demonstrated over many decades. Regardless of its possible negative affects on society, it pales in comparison to what alcohol and prescription drug abuse does.

Did crime rate really go up by 29 per cent in Colorado? I seriously doubt it. Were people going out and stealing to buy more pot or getting into fights? Not likely.

A 62 per cent increase in accidents – really – and all because of marijuana?

Without doing any research myself I feel confident in saying that the story may not be entirely true.

Marijuana is here to stay. Let’s legalize it, tax it and be happy.