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B.C. disability support lacking

Our family had a handicapped sister from Alberta, where she received $1,588/month, to find the best we could hope for was $980/month.

I have just read the front-page article in the Oct. 6 edition of The NEWS (‘Stilwell seeks second term’) in which MLA Michelle Stilwell states: “I’m proud of the accomplishments we’ve made on behalf of the people with disabilities... we have the most comprehensive social safety net of all provinces.”

Is she kidding me? Our family had a handicapped sister who moved here from Alberta, where she received $1,588/month, only to find out that in B.C. the best we could hope for was $980/month.

In the first place, our claim was denied after a four-month review and no reason was given. Our second claim the following year was finally granted after having to go through countless doors, jumping over dozens of hurdles and filling out reams of paperwork.

Several other agencies informed us that all claims are denied in the beginning simply because better than 50 per cent will simply give up and never reapply.

If this minister wants to know what her handicapped constituents really feel regarding her political performance, maybe she should schedule several meetings in different cities and then she would come to realize what a total failure her ministry is.

Our sister passed away recently and is thankfully no longer in the system, but I strongly urge this minister to get off the racing circuit and actually talk to the people whose lives she has such a profound effect on.

Will this ever happen? No. Nobody in the political mainstream ever wants to hear the truth because then they would actually have to fulfill their mandate and represent the people.

Ron StuartParksville