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Back to the drawing board

Can Parksville afford both filtration and a secure water source now?

Parksville needs to take a good hard look at what we actually need now and for our future. Can both filtration and a secure water source be achieved now? So far it has been hard to sort through the spin that each stakeholder has put on information. Those of us living in Parksville and on fixed incomes just can’t afford to support a mega project that might not work, cost too much, and goes far beyond our needs.  My taxes keep going up and so does my water bill. I buy my drinking water because I lack full confidence in the day by day quality of my tap water. There are asbestos water pipes in our city that need to be replaced. I would prefer they use my tax dollars to replace these pipes before they spend it on new pipes that will be used to deplete our precious water resources by sending even more water out of town! Parksville residents need clear facts and less fiction. We all see how the heat and less precipitation has already changed our sources and supply of water. It is not rocket science to see that a pipe from a cleaner source like the watershed lakes and ponds as opposed to new pipes to RDN projects, would be money well spent for Parksville residents. Cleaner water from a more reliable source is what we should demand. The whole project needs to go back to the drawing board.

Jillian Withers
