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Carve out time to breathe

Christmas holidays don't have to be as complicated as they've become


hristmas is not easy! I believe there is a simple and uncomplicated beauty to Christmas, but over the years chaos, grief, anger, despair and apathy seem to be primary realities for many people during this season.

If Christmas were isolated from the rest of living, it might be easier, but the hard parts of life interrupt the living out of our days. While stores invite us to happily buy things for those we love and churches sing Joy to the World, December, like every other month, can be plagued with job loss, illness, homelessness, family chaos, death and grief remembered, loneliness and exhaustion. Sometimes this reality can be overwhelming, and can draw life right out of us.

Christmas can be the problem as well as the solution. Christmas is the most popular season for generosity. Situate yourself among others able to share their joy. Breathe deeply and look inside yourself for the place where God rests, always ready to offer peace and calm and strength.

Find a place that offers a service of worship that acknowledges the struggles of the Christmas season and ask a friend to attend with you.

Christmas is about God’s love for the whole world. It is a love story — ours even if we do not understand it, see it, or feel it. The babe in the manger came to set us free and offer us hope.

One of the best ways to cheer a sad heart is to find something to be thankful for, and express that thanks. Whatever your situation, every moment can be the moment to start anew with optimistic thought leading the way to an encouraging outcome.

The congregation of Knox United Church holds the people of Oceanside in their prayers and wishes you all deep joy as we journey through the mystery of Christmas.


The Rev. Hilde J. Seal is one of the Ministers at Knox United Church