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Cell towers and Wi-Fi dangers

I am responding to John Harding’s recent editorial regarding Coun. Leanne Saulter and her opposition to the cell tower.

I am responding to John Harding’s recent editorial regarding Coun. Leanne Saulter and her opposition to the cell tower.

Unfortunately, council as well as the Vancouver Island Health Authority (VIHA) is stunningly uninformed of the negative medical implications that information carrying radiation waves, from cell towers has on all living organisms.

Harding’s belittling editorial towards Salter indicates that he seems to be equally misinformed.

We moved away from Oceanside and stopped visiting there altogether when my wife contracted full blown electro hyper-sensitivity (EHS). This debilitating sensitivity was brought on by the rapid rise of radiation in Oceanside, from cell towers, Wi-Fi and smart meters. This man-made sensitivity has dire implications on our life, socially as well as economically. This sensitivity to unnatural, pulsed radiation is becoming a global health issue and is effecting people from all walks of life and all ages.

Since my wife worked for many years in the offices of a telecommunications company, she certainly is no Luddite, however with the aid of a RF meter, anyone can measure the high levels of unnatural radiation ‘E-smog’ pollution which saturates Oceanside in an invisible electronic soup.

Be grateful Salter does not blindly follow the crowd and has taken the time to keep up with world events on this subject.

For anyone who has the courage to educate themselves like she did, this is a good place to start:

Marcus SchluschenGold River