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Change for the sake of change

Some people in Canada want change so badly that they want to kick this recession into overdrive — a recession that is world wide.

Some people in Canada want change so badly that they want to kick this recession into overdrive — a recession that is world wide.

Thomas Mulcair, Justin Trudeau and Elizabeth May see the opportunity to slide into power on empty and shallow promises that they feel will appease and attract voters who are disgruntled with the present government.

Voters should think carefully about which party will be the better choice to lead us through this unstable economic time.

Promises of jobs, economic recovery, doubling the amount of refugees from Syria, the Middle East and Africa, where does the money come from to pay for this? And where are the very wealthy Arab countries that should step in and assist?

The very rich? The top business and corporations? Of course not, that money will move very quickly and it will be once again the dwindling middle class that will bear the brunt of these decisions.

Be careful what you wish for.

Valerie AxfordParksville