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Cheap shots at Bill Veenhof

Re: Len Walker’s letter ‘Acclaimed officials’ (The NEWS, Oct. 2).

Re: Len Walker’s letter ‘Acclaimed officials’ (The NEWS, Oct. 2).

If Len Walker is going to take cheap shots at Bill Veenhof, then he should expect a volley back.

Firstly, Walker should have called Veenhof, out of respect, and asked how his health is and what it costs to be an area director.

Secondly, I don’t recall ever seeing Walker on any ballot. Age aside, good luck getting anyone to do the directors job. The last guy sided up with the RDN despite what we told him.

Veenhof has fought long and hard to grasp, draft and deliver the goods on a variety of issues pertaining to our Area H and outside of it.

Thirdly, if you have a problem with BC Ferries, as if we don’t, then what did you read in the papers? It was the minister who poo-pooed any action against us, the taxpayers.

Veenhof has our full support and, since you’re not running, or helping him, please show some dignity towards those who are actually working their butts off for us tax payers.

Earl RhodeQualicum Bay