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Chemtrails over Vancouver Island?

Why are all those jets flying over, anyway?

It’s 9.40 p.m. Monday night and there are three jets flying parallel across the sky spewing giant chemical trails beneath the full moon.

These are not the regular contrails of vapor that disperse after a few minutes, these trails spread across the entire Island and widen to hundreds of metres wide, and why is it that they turn around and fly backwards and forwards for hours? What kind of scheduled flight does that?

Who is flying these jets? What are they spraying? Who gave them permission to fly over Vancouver Island and who is paying for it?

I am very concerned that no one seems to notice what is right in front of their eyes.

Although high above, they are there virtually every day.

These are not scheduled flights, a fact anyone can check for themselves. So who and what are they?

Hasn’t anyone else noticed the white powder on their cars and in the rain.

Does anybody know? Does anybody care? Please, let’s join forces to find out what going on, if only to protect our children.

I would be happy to meet with people to discuss this matter further.

John St. John

