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‘Community’ agenda

Out of a growing irritation, my family and I have taken to counting how many times this omnipresent word is used in the media.

Recently Prince Philip, known to put his foot in his mouth, admonished a community centre manager for her overuse of the word “community.” Is he also so very tired of this word?

Out of a growing irritation, my family and I have taken to counting how many times this omnipresent word is used in the media. With the first spoken “community” our counting starts.

The record of 26 mentions comes from a local TV news excerpt. Just two minutes long about a fun run. The more local and politically-left leaning the channel, the higher the score seems to be.

The monotony of the overuse of a word is not enough to get me to write about it. If it was I would probably pick up on the words “So” or “Right?” What rattles me about “community” is the hidden agenda behind its excessive advancement. An insidious agenda.

When was the last time you heard words like neighbourhood, village, town, street, etc? Words that used to be common to hear and say.

I believe the reason is to reinforce compliance. Community is about unity, a oneness, conformity not individualism. Coincidentally, community is also primarily pushed by those who want something from someone else for free. Community and asking for donations seem inseparable. It is almost as if the definition of the word community is: “conform or be excluded.” An insidious socialist agenda of wealth redistribution.

I happily volunteer and donate as much as I can afford, but I do so for the people/animals who need help, not some elusive construct called “community.” It is no small coincidence that community is just a two letter difference from communism.

Society allows for individualism while encouraging social integration and self betterment.

Community discriminates against the non-conformer.

Christopher WaldenErrington