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Condemn marijuana

Thank you to some of your recent letter writers who have shown the courage to condemn marijuana.

Thank you to some of your recent letter writers who have shown the courage to condemn marijuana.

I have seen the devastating effects of this drug up close and personal. Two of the large companies I worked for (as a health and safety person) were under my jurisdiction and out of six fatal accidents I investigated, five were caused by these individuals using marijuana — toxicology tests showed heavy concentrations of THC in their systems.

I would like to point out to our young people that if it does get legalized that doesn’t make it any less harmful. Legalizing alcohol, nicotine and marijuana is a huge money grab for a few and a heavy tax burden for the rest of us, not to  mention all the sickness and suffering it causes.

Legalizing marijuana won’t stop the low-life drug peddlers from selling to our young people.

Legalizing in Colorado, according to one newscast — their crime rate went up by 29 per cent and traffic accidents up 62 per cent and a resident of Holland said since they legalized pot in that country “we are raising a nation of idiots.”

The sky may not be falling. but the smog and smell is moving in.

Jim EnrightParksville