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Heal the planet

What the earth needs now is not a whole lot more burning coal

Regardless of what coal is used for, mining coal is a blasphemy against Mother Earth and environmentally degrading.

Ignoring the history of coal extraction on this Island is to split from reality and that’s called schizophrenic. Ladysmith, South Wellington, Nanaimo and Union Bay still suffer the residual affects of coal mining.

We are told the proposed project would create up to 350 jobs.  Ahhh, the job carrot.  Where have we heard exaggerated numbers like that before? If this is a numbers game then those 350 jobs will wipe out the existing 600 jobs in the shellfish industry once the contamination from the mine leaches into the water systems.

The point is we don’t need or want these jobs.  We need to heal our environment.

Rita Dawson

