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Help Canadian citizens first

A UNICEF survey from 2012 stated that 14 per cent of Canadian children are below the poverty line.

A few Canadian statistics to ponder:

Health care cost in 2014 was $215 billion or roughly $6,000 per person. In 2014, $8 billion out of the $215 billion was attributable to poverty.

The median income that year was pegged at $27,000 per person. Fifteen (15) per cent of Canadians earn less than the median.

In 2009, the poverty line in Canada was listed as $18,000 for one person; $22,000 for two people; $28,000 for three people and $35,000 for four people.

A UNICEF survey from 2012 stated that 14 per cent of Canadian children are below the poverty line.

A recent survey estimated that 200,000 Canadians experience homelessness each year and on any given night, 30,000 are homeless.

A $1 investment in child poverty can save between $3-$9 in future spending in health care and criminal justice.

Now, I’m not saying that the incoming flood of refugees are not in need of help, but would it not be more prudent to help the Canadian citizens that are already here?

Any costs associated with this humanitarian effort that is being extended to Syria is being paid for by Canadian taxpayers. Can we really afford the added costs and how long will these new immigrants need the monetary assistance, one year, two years or more?

To bring in 25,000 new refugees from Syria, the Canadian government has said that the cost to Canadians will be $1.2 billion over the next six years.

When was the last time this kind of government prediction came in under budget?

Any guesses as to what the actual cost will be and how many Canadians living below the poverty line could be helped with that kind of investment?

Personally, I think governments at all levels should be concentrating on assisting the Canadians who are here now that need help, and when our own poverty issues are eradicated then we can afford to help other countries.

Myself, yes I am in fact below the poverty line, but even more in need is my handicapped sister. My family has to fight the bureaucracy just to get her very minimal, and totally inadequate, assistance.

There has been and always will be thousands of people in this world who need help as a result of political dictators and wars, but should we not wage our own battles here at home first?

Ron StuartParksville