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Is capitalism the main reason for the season?

If the meaning of Christmas is missing, we have to ask who is responsible

Could we please stop with American styled culture wars? It is so un-Canadian!

In areas that used to fall under the influence of the Soviet Union, with all their repression of religion, it was not “godless” Communism that emptied the churches and church coffers; it was capitalism with its promise of Nirvana through mindless consumption and materialism.

Where is Christ in the billions of dollars in advertisements encouraging us to buy during this season? Where are the complaints about this as people lament the taking of Christ out of Christmas?

Decades ago when the Sandinistas in Nicaragua tried to discourage the blatant commercialization of Christmas, global corporations were up in arms!

Keeping Christ in Christmas was perceived as a threat to their profit margins. Again, not communists, not socialists, not atheists but global capitalists more concerned about sales than the meaning of Christmas in this largely Roman Catholic country.

I agree with the need for Canadians to wake up before our culture and country has been completely stolen from us.

I like Canadian tolerance and politeness as well as our caring about the well-being of others and commitment to a just society that used to be reflected in our social programs.

I don’t want to be American.

I love Christmas. I wish all I encounter a Merry Christmas. Not one person to date has objected — whether Christian or not!

Y.A. Zarowny


Qualicum Beach