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LETTER: Security comes from inclusion, not locks

Regarding the proposed supportive housing project at 222 Corfield St. in Parksville: As I read the letters to the editor in the Thursday, April 26, newspaper I felt the fear, intolerance and narrow-mindedness surround me.

Regarding the proposed supportive housing project at 222 Corfield St. in Parksville: As I read the letters to the editor in the Thursday, April 26, newspaper I felt the fear, intolerance and narrow-mindedness surround me.

Great communities build great societies and they are built by opening our hearts and our arms to all manner of the human condition. Security comes from inclusion and openness. Insecurity is bred by the fearful and the exclusive.

We have little purpose in this life if not to embrace one another, share our lives together and live as freely as possible. We come in all shapes and sizes, colours and lifestyles, beautiful, warts and all. What creates community is a common-unity. Bigger fences and stronger locks do not secure us. In the end these things only push insecurity deep into our souls.

Let us be a great community. Let us open our hearts and our doors to one another and feel the warm light that life can offer. Our fellow brothers and sisters require our attention and careful inclusion.

Dallas Collis
