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Pedestrians must be seen to have right of way

Thank you to Norma Reimer for her letter (Letters, February 21, 2017) regarding visible wearing apparel

Thank you to Norma Reimer for her letter (Letters, February 21, 2017) regarding visible wearing apparel.

I was shocked to read the letter by David Mitchell that pedestrians should be able to wear clothing that would make them invisible at night, especially in light of my recent letter expressing the shock I had, when turning right from First street onto Beach ave. in Qualicum Beach, a woman, dressed in light gray from head to ankle, nearly walked into the front corner of my truck. My wife did not see her at all.

A few drivers may need to change their behavior, but the overwhelming comments I hear from people are those of pedestrians invisible at night, walking out into traffic with their heads down, looking neither left nor right, reading iPhones, cyclists invisible at night, etc.

Please, people, you have the “right of way” when you ARE seen; otherwise, as Norma says, you may be dead right! I see people carrying flashlights, wearing reflective arm or ankle bracelets; quite visible.

Ed Fergusson
