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Pick your sedative

The peace of God found in Jesus Christ can bring rest of soul in the midst of any unexpected or trouble.

Life is full of the unexpected.

That’s a true saying.

Sometimes it’s just our lack of foresight, stumbling into a crisis of our own making.  Other times we are the recipient of someone else’s decisions.  And then there are those other unexpecteds that come out of left field with no rhyme or apparent reason.

In this life you will have troubles.

There’s another true saying.

So often it’s not the unexpected or the trouble that takes us out, though, but our response to it.

For some the burying my head in the sand strategy works - deny; ignore.  For a while anyways!

For others all manner of fear, anger, bitterness, depression is entertained.

And for still others a seeking of some respite or peace in relationships or movies or alcohol or golf- pick your sedative.

Entering a journey of my own unexpected trouble these past eight months with a cancer diagnosis, I have been faced with all the options.  Into the mix, though, another voice, the words of Jesus, spoke more clearly:  “Come to me, all of you who are tired from carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest; I will bring you into peace.”

I have been blessed to be surrounded by a loving and supportive church and the prayers of people in Oceanside and around the globe.  But in the end, in the internal place of processing the thoughts and emotions, it has only been the peace of God that has kept me.  The Bible says that God’s peace is beyond understanding, beyond the rational mind.

The peace of God found in Jesus Christ can bring rest of soul in the midst of any unexpected or trouble.  All we have to do is turn to Him.

Now that’s a true saying!