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Radiation & cancer

Every few weeks, a letter to the editor pops up about the evils of radiation from smart meters.

Every few weeks, a letter to the editor pops up about the evils of radiation from smart meters. My personal opinion is that these individuals have their tinfoil hats on too tight. Time to look at some facts.

In 2010, a 13-nation study commissioned by the World Health Organization found, at most, a very minimal and partially contradictory link between heavy cell phone usage and cancer risk.

The smart meter outside your residence submits data a few seconds every day at very low wattage. Even if you stood less than a meter away from your smart meter when it is transmitting data, the resulting exposure is 550 times less than standing in front of an active microwave oven and 1,100 times less than holding a cell phone to your ear.

Let’s put things in perspective and stop the fear mongering.

John AlexanderCoombs