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Smart meters have been banned elsewhere

I was living in Palm Springs, California this spring when the smart meters were installed.

I was living in Palm Springs, California this spring when the smart meters were installed. The local radio talk shows were very interesting with people describing a litany of health problems that had begun after their smart meter was installed — headaches, insomnia, nausea, heart arrhythmias, ringing in the ears ... the list goes on.

So I was shocked to come home and find that we are facing the same threat. The executives of these huge corporations would like us to believe they are safe, but many scientists say otherwise. Just go online and check out californiansagainstsmartmeters, stopsmartmeters, and smartmeterdangers.

It’s interesting to see pictures of the installers wearing protective headgear! I recommend looking at a particularly interesting article, Living Nightmare, by Susan Brinchman on

While obviously some people are more sensitive than others, we do not know the long term effects of the increasing radiation surrounding us. Do we really want more?

I can choose not to use a cellphone or a microwave, but I have no choice when it comes to these smart meters.  Where are my rights? Local governments in Marin county and in Santa Cruz have banned smart meters and stopped their installation.

Lee Rainey, Qualicum Beach