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Summer vacation not my concern

James Lunney should confine his messages to things that really matter

Allan Kaario hit the nail right on the head (The News, Dec. 20). Tax dollars for the MP update should be spent on relevant facts to taxpayers.

There are many issues within his riding that should be addressed.

What efforts are being made to have a truly equitable national medical system so that all Canadians have the same opportunity for medical treatments? Why is the Federal government not negotiating drug/medical supplies nationaly for all the provinces so that better pricing can be achieved as is done in other countries?

What is happening in the free trade negotiations with Europe and how will it be good for Canada? How can our MP serve us better? Why has he not attempted to get annual housing in Ottawa and only come home to his riding when the house is not sitting?

I expect a lot more from those that stand up to take political positions than a report on a summer vacation and the party line of how well we are doing.

Bob Tritschler

