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Terror these geese must have felt

Re: the goose cull. When I first read about this, I wrote to Mayor Marc Lefebvre’s office inquiring specifically about how it would be done

Re: the goose cull. When I first read about this, I wrote to Mayor Marc Lefebvre’s office inquiring specifically about how it would be done. A politically-correct reply advised me to contact another organization, but I was never able to make contact.

When the news came that the cull had been done with explicit details, I was shocked.

Animals are sentient beings. They experience emotions just like we do. For those not convinced, I suggest you read The Emotional Lives of Animals by Marc Bekoff and Animals in Translation by Temple Grandin or any of her other books.

The terror that our Canadian geese, prisoners on that tennis court, must have suffered is beyond belief.

Michèle Gagnon-Burgess
