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The gospel is love

In the hands of Knox United, the ten commandments become the 10 suggestions

Any Christian minister worth their salt will embrace the gospel as both truth and love, not dismissing one in order to wrap the other in a warm, fuzzy rainbow flag.

Although Christ preached a gospel of compassion, I don’t think he meant to accommodate sin when welcoming the sinner.

Mark 10:6-8: “But from the beginning of creation, God made them, male and female…and the two shall become one flesh…” Not man with man, or man with beast, or man with a man who was a man but became a self-identified female whose sexual inclinations float along a continuum.

The Affirmed United initiative has become an absurd betrayal of the most basic tenets of the faith.

In the hands of Knox United, the ten commandments become the 10 suggestions toward a more inclusive congregation.

Thieves, adulterers and liars should celebrate their diversity.

After all, that’s the way God made them, and who are we to judge.

John Chambers

