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Water sustainability

I was consuming half as much as the average resident — without even trying. Well, I do have four rain barrels and a low-flow toilet.

In figuring out my neighbour’s water bill for him, I inadvertently learned that I was consuming half as much as the average resident — without even trying. Well, I do have four rain barrels and a low-flow toilet. And my veg and flower gardens are heavily mulched.

The mulch retards evaporation and enhances water retention in the soil thereby allowing my garden to get by with less watering during these hot, dry summers.

I know the city is doing everything it can to save water. However, I can’t help wondering whether city council has rescinded its permission for certain strata developments to drill down and help themselves to the city’s precious table water.  And are house builders and developers still enjoying their cart blanche to water their “new” lawns to their heart’s content?

After all, the house builders are growing their lawns on the most water-intensive medium possible — porous sand. But council will be aware of this since they recently re-built their big sports field on none other than a water-intensive bed of porous sand.

I’m afraid our befuddled city fathers and their much-touted staff will never learn the meaning of the word sustainable until they find a better medium than sand. How about soil? And until they learn that there is no answer in merely reducing the hours of operation of our water-intensive kiddies’ water games.

What’s wrong with our limitless and healthier Pacific Ocean. Are our toddlers so coddled that they must have purpose-built, water-intensive play grounds? Perhaps Lions International, who built the park, might have some suggestions.

This is not a passing anomaly. The forests and aquifers are getting drier, forest fires are getting more common.

When will our befuddled city council begin to learn the meaning of the word “sustainable?” While other cities and towns are dealing with the changing world, Parksville contentedly goes with the flow (be happy, don’t worry), totally out of touch, incapable of realizing this water shortage is not going away.

Stan GauthierParksville