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Yet another spill

Good strategy by the B.C.Liberal party to take a stand on the Enbridge pipeline proposal.

Good strategy by the B.C.Liberal party to take a stand on the Enbridge pipeline proposal. But a “principled stand” is beyond their scope. Examination of the consequences of a heavy bitumen (not sweet light crude!) oil spill on our coast, leads to only one conclusion.

There is no world class action plan to deal with a catastrophic incident of this type or magnitude.

The essence of B.C.’s approval is to obtain a greater share of the royalties. It is an easy argument to grasp, and certainly some of our citizenry will applaud our government’s decision to force Alberta to share the wealth, but those opposed to the pipeline are not wavering.

Our rivers and our coastline can’t be bought. We have the largest intact temperate rainforest in the world. Our two largest rivers run through the middle of B.C. Our tourism, our fisheries and our life style depend on maintaining an oil-free coast.

Shall we trust the health of our rivers to the Enbridge engineers who just discovered another oil spill yesterday near the site of their infamous Kalamazoo spill?

Shall we trust our beautiful island shorelines to foreign owned very large crude carriers? No!

Sheri Farinha
