When Sarah Sigurdson asked her daughter Ellie what she wanted to do for her birthday, she was surprised with the response she got.
Ellie asked for a ghost photo shoot, an idea she got from the internet and had seen on Tik Tok.
A ghost photo shoot involves putting on a white sheet, a pair of sunglasses and going and taking photos "having a grand time doing whatever may be outside your home" according to the artist website Lenkaland.
Ellie showed her parents a video and said she'd like to do the same at some of her favourite "haunts."
"I was game," said Sigurdson, who is also a well-known artist in the community and a member of Cariboo Art Beat, a local art collective. "I always like it when they have fun creative ideas."
So Ellie invited her friends, who also didn't know exactly what a ghost photo shoot entailed, but she asked them to bring some sunglasses and they were game, said Ellie.
Alea Sales, Brittany Neels and Ellie, along with Ellie's sister Haylee and brother Bodhi all went up to the Russet Bluff behind their home and the Asbestos Pits, two spots Ellie enjoys hiking and side-by-siding with her family.
The group then got some hauntingly good photos taken by Sigurdson of Ellie and her friends, and siblings.
Ellie said the best part was her mom taking them to the bluffs. She said he has always like ghosts "because they're unique."
Sigurdson said the photo shoot was fun for her as well and the location was a part of what made the photos so great.
"It's always so pretty up there, it's hard not to take nice photos."
Ellie and her friends also did some ghost paintings to keep the theme alive, made cookies and had a sleepover as part of her celebration.