Surrey: Flash mob carries anti-bullying message
More than 1,000 students, teachers and RCMP officers took to a Surrey high school field and danced their hearts out against bullying. Watch more >
Vernon: Horse ‘drives thru’ liquor store
Longhorn Pub Cold Beer and Wine Store drive-thru saw “their most unique customer” this week, four legs and all. Watch more >
B.C.: Cheaters caught on ICBC surveillance cameras
Cheating on a test at school is bad, but cheating on a test that gets you behind the wheel of a two-tonne vehicle is something else. That didn’t stop people from trying on their written driver’s licence tests.Watch more >
Mission: Woman saves skunk from plastic cup
A B.C. woman is getting plenty of kudos online after removing a plastic Burger King cup stuck on a skunk’s head. Don’t worry, her hands were padded with plastic bags. Watch more >
Have a cool video from across B.C. you’d like to share? Email Black Press Media reporter Ashley Wadhwaniwith‘REPLAY’ in the subject line.
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