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Scofflaw drivers need educating

Scofflaw drivers need educating

I am both disgusted and appalled by the number of people who think it is OK to blow the four-way stop near Oceanside Elementary School (on Wembley and Wright roads), the many who think it is just fine to ignore the kids waiting to cross at a crosswalk, on Lowrys Road, and blast right past them.
QB Mayor knocks it out of the park

QB Mayor knocks it out of the park

Re: Qualicum Beach development back to drawing board ( The NEWS , April 24)

Salish Sea heritage site advocates seek public’s help with candidates

We’ve just spoken with Elections B.C., looking for email addresses so that we might ask the candidates running in the upcoming election whether they support a UNESCO World Heritage Site designation for the Salish Sea.

Ethnic attire doesn’t belong on politicians

It’s obvious that Canadian politicians who feel compelled to wear visible minority attire while attending cultural festivities or ethnic religious events do so only to garner political favour and votes.

What does Lasqueti have to do with contest?

As a resident of Lasqueti Island, I am extremely bothered by the survivor contest PQB News is running. In no way, shape, or form does it have anything to do with Lasqueti other than to capitalize on the name.

Price tag for railbed trail erroneously inflated

Re: RDN favours group’s plan to turn railway into a recreational trail ( The NEWS, April 18).

Cartoon not improved by repeated application

I like reading my local paper and in particular, enjoy the editorial section. However I see the winds of change taking place. The cartoon in the April 18 edition is a repeat from the previous week. It is a very left-leaning cartoon and when I read it last week I thought the PQB News was making a statement. Having seen it two times now, I am really curious to understand the editor’s motives.

Give trophy to eco-tourists, not hunters

During the past year several well-researched articles have criticized B.C.’s wildlife policies as inept, ineffective and badly in need of updating.

Good Friday goes bad for transit rider

When I originally composed this letter it was simply a thank you to the Nanaimo Transit System drivers on Routes #91 and #20. I am a regular rider travelling from our home in Parksville to Departure Bay, taking the BC Ferry to and from Vancouver. I have been making semi-weekly trips to the mainland, with quick turn arounds, caring for an elderly family member on the mainland.

Parksville school visit a positive lesson

Monica Bradbury, a teacher at Parksville’s Ballenas Secondary School, recently invited me to speak to members of the newly formed “Eco-club” on campus.