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LETTER: We all make choices regarding acceptable risk

LETTER: We all make choices regarding acceptable risk

We’re thrilled that we can now go to a restaurant and be assured that all other patrons around us are vaccinated.
LETTER: ‘Day in the Life’ in Parksville provided a delightful reminder

LETTER: ‘Day in the Life’ in Parksville provided a delightful reminder

Re: ‘ A Day in the Life’ (PQB News, Aug. 25)
LETTER: What a wonderful treat to enjoy a walk in Qualicum Beach

LETTER: What a wonderful treat to enjoy a walk in Qualicum Beach

I had an appointment for a pedicure at the salon in Qualicum.
LETTER: Bring back benches in Qualicum Beach

LETTER: Bring back benches in Qualicum Beach

The Town of Qualicum Beach has recently removed numerous park benches from various locations.
LETTER: Strong message needed to be sent in B.C. regarding vaccinations

LETTER: Strong message needed to be sent in B.C. regarding vaccinations

A bouquet to the B.C. government for requiring proof of vaccination to access public spaces, including some businesses, beginning Sept. 13.
LETTER: Getting vaccinated shows you care about fellow Canadians

LETTER: Getting vaccinated shows you care about fellow Canadians

I grew up listening to my mother’s stories of how Canadians pulled together and helped each other during the depression and the war years. I saw it myself as Canadians all across the country offered support after the devastating Fort McMurray fires.
LETTER: Veterinarians, staff in Qualicum Beach help ease grief after loss of pet

LETTER: Veterinarians, staff in Qualicum Beach help ease grief after loss of pet

We recently lost our 15-year-old best friend (dog) Brewster.
LETTER: More bathrooms needed along beachfront in Qualicum Beach

LETTER: More bathrooms needed along beachfront in Qualicum Beach

Why are there nice picnic tables and benches at both the Brant lookout area and next to the Shady Rest but no toilets?
LETTER: ‘Vandalizing any election signs is just wrong’

LETTER: ‘Vandalizing any election signs is just wrong’

To everyone:
LETTER: Bicycle riders on shared paths in Qualicum Beach are a hazard

LETTER: Bicycle riders on shared paths in Qualicum Beach are a hazard

Re: ‘Pathways aren’t for Tour de France riders (Your Letters, PQB News, Aug. 18)