Neither snow nor rain nor sleet nor hail will stop local postal workers from helping Oceanside residents who find themselves in need this week.
Spokesperson Carolyn Hunter says the event, running September 23 to October 1, is the fourth annual People Helping People food drive for the Salvation Army Food Bank.
With the help of Quality Foods, who are providing bags for donations, Canada Post employees are accepting donations at the main Canada Post office on Corfield Avenue during the week of Sept. 26 to 30. Meanwhile, flyers and bags are being mailed out to customers and, on Oct. 1, postal workers will be driving the streets to collect the bags of donations from 9 a.m. to noon.
Hunter is asking residents to have their donations out in a location visible to the street by 9 a.m.
The annual campaign is a successful one, with past campaigns raising in excess of 14,000 pounds of food and almost 2,000 in cash donations to the Salvation Army Food Bank.
Currently, the food bank is particularly in need of peanut butter, pasta, pasta sauce, canned salmon and tuna, Hamburger Helper and canned fruit.
— News staff