A storytelling series is starting up at the MacMillan Arts Centre and the first one, coinciding with World Storytelling Day, happens this Friday.
The series, aimed at adults and youth, is being organized by Marva Blackmore, a member of the Storytellers of Canada, the National Storytelling Network and the Around Town Tellers of Nanaimo.
Blackmore has always liked to tell stories and said she decided to join a storytelling group while in Ottawa to help her tell her stories, and other tales, better.
“You know how when you’re sitting around the kitchen table telling stories with friends? I realized there was a way to tell them that was better, and that there were skills involved and I wanted to learn those skills.”
The theme this Friday is Fortune and Fate, tied in with the world event, and will see Blackmore and other local dynamic storytellers, Victoria Fabling and Diane Verheil, each telling a tale.
The audience will hear a personal story that night from Fabling, an emotional tale from Verheil and a romantic story from Blackmore called Tristan and Isolde.
“It’s a story of two lovers whose fate continually crosses in their journey to find love.”
The series will continue on the fourth Friday of every month with a variety of storytellers from near and far.
The event happens March 22 at 7:30 p.m. at the McMillan Arts Centre. Admission is $5 at the door.