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The Bard and His Ballads is a stirring selection of song, verse and stories

And, of course, there will be bagpipes, tartan and haggis!
Bruce Coughlan returns with performances of The Bard and His Ballads, a celebration of Robbie Burns. (Contributed)

As Jan. 25 fast approaches, people the world over prepare to celebrate the birth of Scots poet Robert Burns, 264 years ago.

How is it that an impoverished tenant farmer living so long ago was able to leave such an endearing, enduring, and far-reaching legacy? That is the theme behind Robbie Burns “The Bard and His Ballads,” a musical adventure exploring the many aspects of Burns’ fascinating life, the depth and character of his timeless work, and his profound influence on Western Culture.

Burns’ Day (since 1801) is a celebration traditionally wrapped in all the colorful trappings of Scottish culture, and these Vancouver Island performances are no exception. In addition to experiencing a stirring selection of song, verse and stories, there’ll be tartan, bagpipes, fiddle, haggis & more!

“Having recently returned from a month in Scotland, immersed in the music and culture, I am excited to revisit ‘The Bard and His Ballads’ with a fresher, keener perspective,” Coughlan says.

Celebrate the life and times of Robert Burns, his wit, humility, humanity, passion, compassion, humour and insight at:

  • Friday, Jan. 20 – Mary Winspear Theatre, Sidney 7 p.m.
  • Saturday, Jan. 21 – Tidemark Theatre, Campbell River 7 p.m.

Also a streamed event (48hr window for ticket holders)

  • Sunday, Jan. 22 – Knox United Church, Parksville, 3 p.m.

Burns Night Performers 2023

Bruce Coughlan is a Canadian songwriter and recording artist whose extensive repertoire spans an array of Acoustic Roots Music styles including Celtic, Bluegrass, Americana, Folk, Maritime, Blues & more. Bruce has performed throughout Canada, United States, and toured the United Kingdom on over a dozen occasions. Since recording his first LP in 1984, he has recorded 14 albums of original and adapted traditional music across a broad range of genres. Bruce might be best recognised for his historically based ballads, written on Pacific Canadian themes. He has been the composer and lead singer of Tiller’s Folly for over twenty-five years.

René Cusson is renowned throughout the piping world as a musician, competitive piper, performer, teacher, adjudicator and composer. His music is performed all over the Celtic world and has been widely recorded at home and abroad. Added to his playing of various bagpipes is whistle playing and singing. He is presently completing a book of his compositions to be launched in Glasgow soon.

Daniel Lapp is an accomplished multi-instrumentalist who’s amazing 30-year musical journey has carried him across Europe, Australia, China, Israel, the USA and Canada performing with artists as diverse as Spirit of the West, Rickie Lee Jones, 54-40, Gord Downie, Barney Bentall, Jim Byrnes, Jim Cuddy, Elvis Costello, Lou Reed, Stephen Fearing, Ed Robertson and Roy Forbes.

More Information:

READ MORE: Tidemark Theatre presents Burns Night 2021: The Bard & His Ballads

Bruce Coughlan coming to Filberg Festival

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About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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