Group likes to keep busy;
plays 200 nights a year
A modern group playing old time jazz and Western swing will be performing at the Qualicum Acoustic Cafe (QUAC) this Friday night.
Dave Lang & the Twin Otters from Victoria play a mix of originals written by Lang as well as standards that have been tweaked to give them a modern edge.
“The ‘30s had a different understanding of the relationships between men and women,” said Lang, explaining he’s taken out old slang and sexist remarks from songs to make them more relevant to today’s world.
Lang said he finds this style of music a lot of fun to play, with a few more pieces to play with than a straight folk or country tune, he said.
Lang plays the guitar, and his counterparts, upright base and clarinet. Lang said the trio has an old-fashioned approach to music where they play together all the time, busk in the summer for the tourists, and have regular gigs in Victoria.
“It’s just like the old bands in the ‘30s where they played 200 nights a year, that’s what we do, so it’s fun and we try be competent at what we’re doing and it’s a good time and interesting music,” he said.
QUAC is held at the Rotary House on the corner of Beach and Fern roads on the first Friday of every month, this one taking place May 3.
Tickets are $5, (youth are free) available from the Vintage Candy Shop in Qualicum Beach.