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Doggie doo is a pet peeve

The doggie doo situation is out of control and became much more evident after the the recent snowfalls.

The doggie doo situation is out of control and became much more evident after the the recent snowfalls.

I’m a dog owner and find it disappointing and disgusting that owners are not picking up after their dogs. It reflects badly on all dog owners.

I expressed my concern to my husband who is an action-oriented individual and he went out yesterday and picked up along the sidewalk on Stanford Avenue between Mills and McVickers streets. He collected 23 doggie doos.

Now it’s its in our garbage! That was just a small area. My complaint isn’t limited to this street it extends on our longer walk. The new walkway is the same.

If you have a pet, be responsible! Carry a bag, pick up and throw it in a garbage (don’t leave it for someone else).

Cheryl Baker
