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No complaints, thanks to help from others

You might recall an item in the PQB News in early October reporting an auto accident on Highway 19 in Parksville. The only participant was me, the driver.

You might recall an item in the PQB News in early October reporting an auto accident on Highway 19 in Parksville. The only participant was me, the driver.

I would like to take this opportunity to publicaly express my undying gratitude to the two nurses who saw it occur, immediately came to my rescue and saved my life.

The emergency response teams that took over and helped to stabilize me. The air ambulance who quickly got me to the ICU at Victoria General. The staff there who attended me there for the next 14 days, that helped to raise me from the darkness.

The doctor and the nurses at the Royal Jubilee cardiac unit, that guided me through further recovery and operations. All efficient, dedicated, engaging and friendly. Without all of them I would not be here to write this.

I would be remiss in not mentioning the RCMP officer, who ensured that my two puppy dogs, who were in the car with me but unharmed, were delivered to my neighbour for safekeepings, while my wife returned from overseas.

It goes further. Our friends and neighbours who provided so much love, caring and support, both before and after I came home, has meant so much.

So as you can see, when it comes to our community emergency medical services. hospital services, police and friends, I have nothing to complain about.

Just a heartfelt thank you.

Ken Rehill and Family
