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Praise children for initiating positive environmental changes

Re: ‘Children Need to Learn to Think for Themselves’ (Letters, PQB News , Oct. 22)

Re: ‘Children Need to Learn to Think for Themselves’ (Letters, PQB News, Oct. 22)

I felt saddened and embarrassed by the angry response regarding the children who are fighting for positive environmental changes.

I feel proud of them and for their parents and teachers who enable these children to have a voice and to be heard. Everyone must be accountable if life is to continue on this earth. It is interesting that the blame game relates to the children but not to all of us.

Remember, in history, when the automobile was invented? Everyone had to have one — there was no consideration for gasoline and oil usage nor the resulting exhaust pollution. The roads had to be built for the cars causing destruction of trees and forests. The animals were forced to move to other areas in order to survive.

One could go on and on, but since the beginning of time where man has inhabited this earth, there has been environmental destruction and pollution. As the populations increased, so did the destruction and environmental damage. The difference now? Awareness! We should be thankful that the children are fighting for something that is truly worth fighting for.

We, as adults, must stand with them, supporting them, and further inspiring them to go to greater heights! If no one is willing to be in the spotlight, then change will not happen - there will be more and more political delays - and then it will be too late.

So, rather than blame our children, how about everyone take a good look into the mirror. We are all responsible for the state of the earth. We have all had moments that we were not proud of and should not be proud of with regard to our lack of respect for the environment.

Let’s hug our children tightly. Keep them close to us. Encourage them. Thank you for our children. Someone has to be willing to fight for our earth.

Faith Carmody
