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Cathedral Grove welcomes visitors to Parskville

Cathedral Grove is the popular name for a tiny park officially called MacMillan Provincial Park

Cathedral Grove is the popular name for a tiny park officially called MacMillan Provincial Park. The nickname is suitable because of its mystical, awe-inspiring nature.

One feels a sense of timelessness when strolling beneath the towering, 80-metre-plus giants. Some of these ancient trees measure nine metres around. The chance to see one of the last remaining stands of giant Douglas fir in British Columbia, with 800-year-old trees as the headliners, is well worth the trip.

This natural legacy has a large contingent of citizens dedicated to preserving its grandeur and well-being. Trails and walkways are established throughout the area, with informative plaques located at various locations, to provide enjoyment and education for visitors.

Cathedral Grove (MacMillan Provincial Park) is located on Highway 4, between Parksville and Port Alberni.