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There’s a national exhibition being hosted in Parksville this summer.
A competition and workshops are being held by the Mosaic Artists of Canada. Jen Bate, the executive director of the McMillan Arts Center and Debra Hagen, a local mosaic artist who also teaches classes, join podcast host Peter McCully to chat about the event.
Mosaic artists will be using a wide array of textures, colors and materials ranging from traditional stone and smalti, (a glass tile) to less conventional items such as dishware, wood, and rusted metals.
Hagen says this is a juried exhibit.
‘We have three jurors, very well-known mosaic artists in their own right, Maray Swinn from Belgium, and Marion Shapiro from Australia, and Jason Dusalt, who’s from Vancouver and New York. We had over 80 submissions from the artists. The three jurors also decided which ones would be in the show, so there’s about 45 in the exhibit.’
Mosaic artists will also be hosting and managing a Community Mosaics project.
‘Visitors to the Mac can come in and see this great exhibition,’ says Bate. ‘Meet some of the artists, but they can also participate in creating what is going to be a wonderful mosaic piece that will ultimately be hung in our brand new community art garden outside the MAC.’
The exhibition runs July 1st to August the 27th at the MacMillan Arts Centre.
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