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Career Centre connects locals with meaningful full-time work

This Parksville resident reached new heights with hard work and a little career guidance
Joshua Byron found employment with Kevin Kinnear at Parks West, by using services from the Parksville Career Centre. Visit to find out how the centre can help you!

Sometimes all you need is a boost.

As a young adult keen to launch his career, Joshua Byron was finding it difficult to land a steady job. So in 2018 he made his first visit to the Career Centre in Parksville. By the end of 2019 he had permanent employment with Parks West Business Products

“Our Customized Employment Consultant was able to find and organize unpaid work experiences and create relationships with employers for Joshua,” says Cheryl Dill, Executive Director of the Career Centre.

One of those experiences was with Parks West. In April of 2019 the Career Centre used the Island Opportunities Fund to help Joshua begin a wage subsidy placement there.

“In order to rise up higher, you must be willing to bow down,” Joshua says, and so he dedicated himself to the opportunity and proved his worth day after day.

His persistence paid off, and by the end of the year he was employed as a Computer Repair Technician.

Kevin Kinnear of Parks West says one thing that really stood out was Joshua’s passion for computers in his personal life — Joshua built his own computer at home. At work he’s demonstrated curiosity and a good memory, and the unpaid work and wage subsidy placement gave him the opportunity to complete on-the-job training specific to Parks West.

“Joshua was honest about what he needed from us, and we greatly appreciated that,” Kevin says, “His confidence has really grown since first beginning with Parks West, and that’s been great to see.”

The Career Centre is here to help

Joshua used the Wage Subsidy Program to gain valuable work experience and prove himself to his employer, but the Career Centre helps in many ways, depending on your circumstances.

“Whether it’s meeting one-on-one with an employment consultant, participating in one of our many workshops or utilizing our self-serve resources, we have something to offer pretty much everyone!” Dill says.

Job seekers have free access to computers, printers, faxing, photocopying, job-search-related Internet access, and telephone messaging services. Consultants can provide up-to-date labour market information, assist with job searches and explore career options. The centre also supports employers through its free online job posting service, employers forums, the annual Hiring Fair and other programs.

If you’re unemployed or precariously employed and would like to meet with an employment consultant to learn more, call 250-248-3205 to make an appointment or drop in to #110 - 198 East Island Hwy, right across from the Community Park. The Career Centre is open Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and until 6:30 p.m. on Wednesdays. If transportation is an issue, online advising can be made available.

The Career Centre is an initiative of the Central Vancouver Island Job Opportunities Building Society (CVIJOBS) and your local WorkBC Centre —Parksville.