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Communications trailer ready

Volunteers will have top-flight communications gear in event of an emergency

The Mid Island Co-op recently presented donated $1,000 towards the purchase of a new emergency communications trailer.

The cheque was presented to the volunteer members of the emergency communications team and emergency services personnel from the Regional District of Nanaimo, Town of Qualicum Beach and City of Parksville, who will share ownership.

It will provide emergency communications team volunteers with the equipment they need to provide regional communications support in an emergency or disaster.

Donations towards the trailer have also been provided through sponsorships from Coast RV Sales and Service Ltd, Express Custom Trailers Mfg, VI Radar Inc., Wallpepper Sign Shop and Windsor Plywood, French Creek.

The three municipal governments share and provide regional emergency social service and emergency communications team response capability to the City of Parksville, Town of Qualicum Beach and portions of the RDN electoral Areas E, F, G and H within School District 69 (Qualicum).